
Issue IX

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Entertainment Column of the Wesleyan Business Review, where we explore the latest trends in pop culture. From Hollywood films to professional sports, these moments of creativity and collective experience offer insights into the fast-paced entertainment industry. Our column provides a comprehensive overview of key aspects of show business and examines the intangible factors that determine success or failure across its many sectors. Join us as we delve into topics such as the pitfalls of Japan’s cultural popularity, the demand for Ozempic in celebrity circles, and more, reminding ourselves that the age of information is also the age of media and entertainment.

Kiana Yuhl ’25 & Anthony Avallone ‘27

Executive and Assistant Column Leader, Entertainment

Issue VII

Issues I & II

Due to Issue I not having dedicated Columns, the Wesleyan Business Review has designated Issues I articles deemed as part of this column together with Issue II.