The State of Wesleyan’s Endowment
Do you support the implementation of a divestment plan from fossil fuels by the Wesleyan endowment?
Yes (93.75%) No (6.25%)
What do you think is a reasonable timeline for divestment from fossil fuels by Wesleyan’s endowment?
2-10 years (83.63%) 10+ years or no opinion (16.37%)
Out With The Old, in With The ReNEWable
By moving away from the well-known “oil industry,” and reinventing operations, companies such as Shell, BP, and others have been able to both improve their public image and create new revenue streams from the rising renewable energy industry.

ESGs for the Economy & the Environment
How can environmental change be implemented in the cutthroat, greed-filled, and, in many ways, anti-environmental society that we are living in?

Minimalism: The Key to Environmental Turnaround
In the 1930’s a German research group by the name of Frankfurt School found that unhappy workers turned to stores to spend away their sadness.

California’s Water Market
Back in September when California was being ravaged by wildfires, CME group, the world’s largest financial derivatives exchange, announced that futures contracts for water would be available for trading starting December 7th, 2020.

The Rise in Electric Cars: Is a Start Up a Diamond in the Rough?
The EV industry is here to stay. At this point, it’s hard to tell who might strike gold next, but there are certainly still a few diamonds in the rough.